Talks & Interviews
I love teaching people how to grow their careers and learn how to grow as a developer, developer advocate, and AI engineer. Reach out to me on X, LinkedIn, or Bluesky to invite me to speak somewhere.
Here are some of my previous presentations and interviews:
Talking with Francesco - Developer Relations with Sam Julien (Episode)
ng-conf 2022 - RxWut (Slides, Video)
Web Rush Podcast - Tech Community Engagement with Newsletters with Sam Julien (Episode)
Modern Web Podcast - The Day-to-Day of Developer Advocacy with Sam Julien (Episode)
Frontend Heroes - The Incredibles with Sam Julien (Episode)
Café con Tech - Developer Microskills (Episode)
Productivity in Tech Podcast - Developer Microskills with Sam Julien (Episode)
Hashnode Bootcamp Batch III - The Counterintuitive Secret to Shipping Better Articles Faster (Slides, Video)
The Collab Lab Meetup - Building a Learning System
TechJr Podcast - Sam Julien sheds light on Developer Advocacy roles (Episode)
CodeNewbies Podcast - What's the deal with auth (Episode)
Gatsby Days Online - A Recipe to Power Up Gatsby with Auth (Slides, Video)
DevJourney Podcast - Sam Julien: From Financial Adviser to Developer Advocate (Episode)
Byteconf React 2020 - Power Up Gatsby with Auth! (Slides, Video)
ng-conf: Hardwired - The Role of Effects in NgRx Authentication (Slides, Video)
CodersCraft Online Meetup - Demystifying Token Authentication in NgRx
ngIndia - Demystifying Token Authentication in NgRx (Slides, Video)
GraphQL Asia 2020 - Becoming a 'Secret' Agent: Securing Your GraphQL Backend with JWTs (Slides, Video)
NDC London 2020 - Modernizing Large Frontends with Web Components (Slides, Video)
AngularAir - NgRx Authentication (Episode)
RealTalk JavaScript Episode 67 - JAMstacking with the Great Gatsby (Episode)
That's My JAMStack - Sam Julien on authentication, Gatsby and the serverless methodology (Episode)
AngularMix 2019 - Bridging Parallel Universes: Upgrading Huge Apps with Angular Elements (Slides, Video)
AngularMix 2019 - Demystifying Token Authentication in NgRx (Slides, Video)
Angular Connect - Quantum Facades: Why NgRx Facades are Awesome or Terrible Depending on How You Observe Them (Slides, Video)
RxJS Live 2019 - RxWat? (Slides, Video)
RxJS Live 2019 - What Groups By in Vegas, Stays in Vegas (Slides, Video)
Angular Denver - Demystifying Token Authentication in NgRx (Slides, Video)
Angular Denver 2019 - Bridging Parallel Universes: Upgrading Huge Apps with Angular Elements" (Slides, Video)
North America Google Developer Experts Summit - 50 hours, 1500 people, 5 minutes: A Speaking Experiment (Slides, Video)
ngVikings 2019 - STORE Trek: The Voyage to Angular" (with Mike Ryan) (Slides, Video)
ng-conf 2019 - Convince Your Boss to Upgrade in 5 Minutes (Slides, Video)
Second Career Devs Podcast - Financial Planning To Content Engineering (Episode)
Angular Finland - Finding the Right Path from AngularJS to Angular
Real Talk JavaScript #6 - Upgrading JavaScript with Sam Julien (Episode)
AngularConnect - Save Time & Money by Planning Your ngUpgrade (Slides, Video)
Angular Mix - Angular Blast! (Rapid Fire ngUpgrade) (Slides, Video)
Angular Denver - Plan-It of the Apps! (A Structure for Planning your ngUpgrade) (Episode)
Angular Portland - Migrate All the Things!
DonutJS - IoTReX: Functional Reactive Programming & Hardware