Use Cascadia Code with Gatsby

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I wasn’t really enjoying the boring monospace font for my code blocks on this site, so I decided to use Cascadia Code from Microsoft. I love it! It looks so much better!

Here’s how to do it using Typography.js in Gatsby. (That link also covers how to set up Typography; I won’t be doing that here.)

First, go to Cascadia’s releases page and download the font (if you don’t like the ligatures, download Cascadia Code Mono). It’s a TTF (TrueType font).

Copy the font file into wherever you’re keeping your fonts. For me, it’s in a fonts folder. Then, wherever you’re putting your font CSS information (mine is fonts.css inside of that fonts folder), add the font family and refer to the file:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Cascadia Code';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: url('Cascadia.ttf') format('truetype');
  font-display: fallback;

In your typography.js file, add Cascadia to your fonts object. Mine looks like this now:

export const fonts = {
  regular: 'Inter UI Regular',
  regularItalic: 'Inter UI Regular Italic',
  semibold: 'Inter UI Semibold',
  semiboldItalic: 'Inter UI Semibold Italic',
  bold: 'Inter UI Bold',
  boldItalic: 'Inter UI Bold Italic',
  monospace: 'Cascadia Code',

Be sure the string you give it matches the string you set for font-family exactly.

Voila! Now you can just set up your pre and code tags to use Cascadia for code in your articles! For example:

code {
  font-size: 1.05rem;
  line-height: 1rem;
  background: lightgray;
  font-family: ${fonts.monospace};

Enjoy your beautiful new code blocks!

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